April 26, 2012

NationState Game Reflection

The NationState game has been a fun and interactive way for learning. The one part I don't  like is the end game we have been playing the last two weeks. I have not found the point of it yet. In my opinion our nation (The United Sates of Eurasia) is doing very well. Our nation makes its decisions by collaborating amongst its top leaders(our group members). Every one has been happy with this method so far. Our nation does not to be more or less aggressive. Our strategy for dealing with other states is to have a small number of good alliances then be powerful enough to stand up to the ones we chose not to be allies with.We have modeled our nation after the US because we like the idea of a democracy. Eruasia is a great nation and I think we are all happy with how our group has turned out.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the way that your group handled your decision making. Our group, Cerebria, used this method as well. While we only have three members, this method still works well and it seems like a very fair way to come up with fair laws for our country.
    I agree that the end-game scenario(s) did seem pointless and with an inevitable outcome it seemed as if we should not have played them at all. Good post :)
