March 29, 2012

Gun Policies

I am personally for the (responsible) carrying of firearms in public as long as the person wielding the weapon is trained and safe. As long as the person is of an age to understand exactly what they have, and how easy it is to even accidentally kill someone with a gun, has undergone intensive safety courses, and has obtained a license to own a gun and to carry a concealed weapon, I say they should be allowed to. Lethal force on the other hand should only be used in the most dire of situations. If you have a gun in your home and somebody tries to break in, as long as they have a weapon or are successfully about to get away with something of yours I say you should be able to shoot that person to injure, but not kill. I have the same views for public attacks as well. If there is no other way around using lethal force, then you have to do what you have to do, but the preservation of life should be the very highest priority.

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