A new movie about the rise of teen bullying, titled 'Bully' has been rated R for some language. This R rating means that the target audience of this movie will not be able to see it with out an adult. It kind of beats the purpose of having this movie that aims to help kids see how bad bullying really is. a student has written a petition to The Motion Picture Association of America requesting they lower the rating to PG-13 which would include the asudience that most needs to see it.I believe this controversy is private regulation issue since it is between a student and the MPAA. The fundemental rights that are involved is freedom to watch what we want to watch. I can see why the MPAA rated the movie R, but at the same time I feel teens need to be able to see this movie.
I don't see why they would do this, it really does defeat the purpose. A little language should be tolerated if a message is trying to be put across. I guess the MPAA is just trying to make the overprotective parents happy.